Suggest A Mopar Site

Mopar Enthusiast directory

The 440magnum Mopar Enthusiast Network directory is organized by subject. Most sites in the directory are suggested by users or us. Sites and page’s are placed in categories by our staff, who will visit and evaluate your suggestion and decide where it best belongs. We do this to ensure that our directory is organized in the best possible way, making the directory easy to use, helpful, and fair to all sites.

To suggest a Mopar related site or resource, we ask that you follow these simple important steps to get your personal or business site (URL) listed.

Step 1: Check to see if your site is already listed!

Check by searching our site (you can use the search block on the right sidebar). You can use your site/resource title or browse the categories section.

Note: If your site is already listed but you want to change its comments, title, and/or placement, you will need to use the change information form. This is an entirely different process.

Step 2: Site Classification (Please choose, this is a required step.)

My site is a personal web site – My site is a personal site and I am not selling anything and not offering a service to the mopar enthusiast community. Selling parts from your mopar is okay as long as it is not done to supplement your income.

My site is a commercial web site – I am suggesting a site that is commercial and or is sells something, promotes goods and services, or promotes a company that sells goods and services. This site needs to be listed in the manufacturers, parts and services section.